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Come See The Difference!
Over 50 Years Experience Serving Our Local Community.

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Who We Are

We are a team of highly skilled doctors and optical experts who are passionate about working together to find personalized visual solutions catered to your specific and unique needs – no matter how straightforward or complex.

We are a clinic trusted by generations of Seattleites to deliver advanced eye care technologies and precision optics and style, featuring an extensive frame collection curated from the best frame designers across the globe.

We are a place where you will be treated with compassion and kindness by a team of humble people who love what we do, and who are uncompromising in our commitment to quality and individualized care.

Founded in 1949 by Dr. Robert Jamieson, to this day we continue to live by his motto:
“If you take good care of patients, everything else will take care of itself.”

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