Our Frame Collection

Our Frame Collection

Our Frame Collection

Our Frame Collection

Our Frame Collection

Our Frame Collection

With our own rich optical history, we have become quite experienced in finding and providing the best eyewear brands that our Seattle patients want.

A few of our eyewear brands date back to the 1800's and many back to the 70’s and 80’s. Other eyeglasses brands are newer and have taken the world by storm. The combination of these brands provides our diverse Seattle patient base with nearly 2,000 hand-selected frames to select from.

With so many frames and lens possibilities, looking for a great pair of glasses can feel overwhelming, but not at Roosevelt Vision. We are focused on helping you find eyewear that brings out your best - while keeping the process simple and fun.

Our Services

Minor repairs such as screw and nose pad replacements, and all frame adjustments, are complimentary, regardless of where the glasses were purchased. We can also evaluate your eyewear in need of repair and give our honest expert advice.

Frame Warranty

Every frame we offer comes with a full 2-year warranty against manufacturer defects. They are not warranted against loss or abuse. Warranted frames are not subject to exchange fees. Stop in, at your convenience, with the repair in question, and we will be happy to advise you of your solution options.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We proudly offer a satisfaction warranty on all of your initial purchases, within 30 days of when you pick them up. Our Opticians are highly trained in helping you select the right lens and frame combination, but we understand that sometimes a re-style is needed. ​​​​​​​Re-styling during this period is not subject to additional fees beyond product upgrades.


Minor repairs such as screw and nose pad replacements, and all frame adjustments, are complimentary, regardless of where the glasses were purchased. We can also evaluate your eyewear in need of repair and give our honest expert advice.

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