Our Doctors & Staff

Our Doctors & Staff

Our Doctors & Staff

Our Doctors & Staff

Our Doctors & Staff

Our Doctors & Staff

Dr. Rupa Patel

Dr. Michael Samek, OD FAAO (He/Him)

Vision leads our ability to live and enjoy rewarding productive lives. Everyday, I have the privilege to evaluate, improve and enhance the visual process of each person I meet.

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Marcella Nevermann

Dr. Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO (She/Her)

It is an honor to be a member of the Roosevelt Vision team. I have the opportunity to impact the quality of life of my patients, working with them to determine what solution will best fulfill their unique visual needs.

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Dr. Gary S Holtzman

Dr. Rachael Henrie, OD FAAO (She/Her)

Working with and learning from my patients and the Roosevelt Vision team provides me great joy. I love meeting new people, learning from them, and staying up on the latest technologies in my profession. It is my goal to listen carefully to my patients to determine their unique needs, utilize the latest technology, and offer the most effective treatment options so they can enjoy the highest quality of vision and eye comfort possible.

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Katarinna Finan

Dr. Elizabeth Chang, OD (She/Her)

My goal is to help every patient achieve their maximum vision potential, have comfortable eyes, and maintain good eye health with thorough, respectful, and compassionate care. I strive to listen carefully to individual visual requirements and take time to explain exam findings and treatment options. I believe in utilizing the latest technology and best available optical products to meet these goals.

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Alicia Payne

Dr. Jessica Kennedy, OD (She/Her)

I am so grateful for my career choice in optometry. I thoroughly enjoy connecting with each of my patients. Optometry is a unique profession in which we have so much knowledge to share with our patients, yet we are continuously learning every day.

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Matthew Nevermann

Dr. Helen Kim, OD (She/Her)

Helping people young and old with various health conditions is a privilege in primary care at our practice. I always strive to learn and provide the best care to every individual with holistic care in mind.

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