Our Story

Our Story

Our Story

Our Story

Our Story

Our Story

Our Mission

Roosevelt Vision is committed to providing our community with the highest quality eye health and vision care in an ethical and compassionate environment.

Our Story

When you live in a city this beautiful, you can’t take its breathtaking views for granted. So that everyone could see its splendor, Dr. Robert Jamieson founded Roosevelt Vision in 1949. A Seattle native, the pride and dedication he put into building his optometric practice in the Roosevelt district is evident today as we strive to be the premier eye care provider in North Seattle. To this day we live by Dr. Jamieson’s credo: “If you take good care of patients, everything else will take care of itself.”

Active in many civic and professional activities throughout his 40-year career, Dr. Jamieson wanted his practice to grow with the community it served. In 1975, Roosevelt Vision moved to Roosevelt Way and NE 70th street with the foresight that a larger facility would allow space for new technologies and most importantly, new practitioners to keep up with a rapidly changing profession.

In April of 2019, we moved to our current location on 4th Ave NE in the Northgate neighborhood. The beloved son of the founding Dr. Jamieson, Dr. Scott Jamieson, officially retired in October of 2020.

Today, the doctors and staff of Roosevelt Vision are proud to maintain the traditions of patient care and community service initiated by Dr. Jamieson over 50 years ago.

Since we started serving our community, Roosevelt Vision has added several doctors, a one-of-a-kind eyewear dispensary, and expert opticians– what started as an eight-person staff has expanded to nearly 30 today! Every day, we do our part to ensure our patients can maintain good eye health, sharp vision and look their best.

All eyes are on your eyes...and we hope to see you at Roosevelt Vision soon!

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