Artwork in Clinic

Artwork in Clinic

Artwork in Clinic

Artwork in Clinic

Artwork in Clinic

Artwork in Clinic

Being in Seattle since 1949, we knew we wanted local artists and historical meaning to fill our walls.

Murals by Naomi Haverland

Naomi Haverland has been painting for as long as she can remember and has been working with chalk since 2011. She specializes in humorous and hyper-realistic portraits. She has been recognized and won awards for her chalk art, including 7 awards at the Denver Chalk Art Festival, in Colorado, where she grew up.

She has been invited to travel to many national and international chalk art festivals, including Germany, Canada, and Mexico. Her chalk art has been utilized by companies such as Harley Davidson, Blick Art Supply, Amazon, and Microsoft. Recently, she has moved from Denver to Seattle, and she is working to bring more chalk art to the Rainy City. In the wintertime, she focuses her artistic skills on oil painting in her studio. Her fine art portraiture can be seen in many galleries in Seattle.

Optometry canvas art by David Hingtgen

David Hingtgen is a Designer & Sketch Artist who lives and works in Seattle. He has been drawing since he was young and began sketching daily 10 years ago when he joined the Seattle Urban Sketchers, whose members document life in the city on location and then share their sketches online. Carrying a sketchbook and many pens and pencils in his shirt pocket have been a great way to engage in his surroundings and to learn about all aspects of life anywhere he goes.

Vehicles and all forms of equipment used in the workplace are also interesting subject matter for his sketches. Garages, car shows, factories, and eye doctor offices are full of opportunities.

Iconic calendar art

For many years throughout the ’90s, prominent frame manufacturer, Luxottica, created calendars. Each month featured imagery highlighting beautifully themed eyewear. We came into contact with someone who had been in the industry for many years and had collected the calendars. Our staff looked through hundreds of images and selected these to be framed, which now line the halls leading to our exam rooms.

The original sign

One evening our staff went on a mission to recover our original sign before the building was demolished (take a look at the photos here). This sign was on the building we called home from 1975-2019.

Vintage eyewear

Our optical manager dug into his personal antique collection and found a wide range of eyewear history. Once we found out the best way to group and display the eyewear we had a staff framing party! These collections are on display in the hallways leading to the exam rooms.

Bottlecap eye by Naomi Haverland

With the environment as her canvas, Naomi can create a unique piece of artwork on any surface or in any atmosphere. View more of her artwork here.

none 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Closed Closed,3,,, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM (855) 266-7243 June 4, 2024 Children's Eye Exam