Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO

Dr. Kathy C. Yang-Williams, OD FAAO (She/Her)

Dr. Yang-Williams completed her Doctorate of Optometry degree with Honors at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and her postdoctoral residency at the Northeastern State University College of Optometry in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

​​​​​​​She served as a staff optometrist and clinical instructor at Omni Eye Specialists, a secondary and tertiary care center in Baltimore, Maryland before completing a 2-year glaucoma fellowship in Seattle. Dr. Yang-Williams was a consulting optometrist at Northwest Eye Surgeons PC, a surgical co-management practice in Puget Sound, from 1999 to 2007. She joined Roosevelt Vision in 2007 when she and colleague, Dr. Laura Kompkoff sought a way to balance clinical practice and family life.

Dr. Yang-Williams has published numerous articles and several book chapters on glaucoma and ocular disease management, was a contributing editor for Review of Optometry and a member of the Editorial Review Board for Optometry Times.

Dr. Yang-Williams has lectured on many ocular disease topics at national meetings and has served as adjunct clinical faculty of Pacific University College of Optometry, Forest Grove, Oregon.

Dr. Yang-Williams is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and a member of the American Optometric Association and Optometric Physicians of Washington. She was selected as the Young OD of the Year for Washington State in 2004. She is a member of the Optometric Glaucoma Society (OGS).

Dr. Yang-Williams is an avid tennis player and yoga practitioner. She raises mason bees and grows whatever variety of fruit and vegetables she can get to thrive in her home garden. She enjoys sailing in the Salish Sea with her family.​​​​​​​

"It is an honor to be a member of the Roosevelt Vision team. I have the opportunity to impact the quality of life of my patients, working with them to determine what solution will best fulfill their unique visual needs."

Schedule Appointment with Dr. Yang-Williams

“Everyone was very friendly and knowledgeable. Gregg did the preliminary exam and was very professional and explained all of the procedures to me. Dr. Williams gave me a very thorough exam. I feel very confident the test results are very accurate. She made the exam very informative, she is very patient.”

— Google review from Ron
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