VSP Network Plan Changes

VSP Network Plan Changes

VSP Network Plan Changes

VSP Network Plan Changes

VSP Network Plan Changes

VSP Network Plan Changes

As of January 1, 2021, Roosevelt Vision will no longer be contracted with Vision Service Plan (VSP) as an in-network provider.  We wanted to let you know in advance because we value you as a patient and hope you will continue to choose Roosevelt Vision for all your eye care needs despite this change.  To make it as simple as possible for you to continue to see us, we will now be able to bill out-of-network benefits directly to VSP on your behalf.  And, if you have any medical eye concerns such as cataracts, dry eyes, ocular allergies, floaters, or others we can still see you and bill appropriately under your medical insurance benefits.

 Why the change? 

The insurance industry is changing rapidly.  Most vision plans like VSP are not true insurance but simply allow consumers to have access to discounted vision care services and products. VSP has announced significant changes starting in 2021 in how they will reimburse independent practices that will restrict what services, lens choices, and labs we can use.  Roosevelt Vision has always taken pride in providing the highest quality eye examinations and products.  We have chosen not to compromise that quality.  By billing out-of-network benefits for you, it is our hope that we can simplify the process and still allow you to see a provider who is not limited by these restrictions. 

What this means for you: 

By maintaining an independent out-of-network relationship with VSP and other vision discount plans, Roosevelt Vision has the freedom to continue to provide the highest quality and most technologically advanced eye health services, uniquely curated frames, and the highest quality digitally surfaced lens designs that you are used to.  In addition, providing out-of-network vision services will allow us to provide our loyal patients with direct discounts on eyewear that rival (and sometimes exceed) in-network savings. In a climate where most plans are costing more and covering less, at least you will know that your money is supporting a small independent community business rather than a large insurance company. 

We consider it a privilege to serve you, and we appreciate your support and loyalty as we make these changes! Please do not hesitate to call with any questions you may have.

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