Michael Samek, OD FAAO

Michael Samek, OD FAAO

Michael Samek, OD FAAO

Michael Samek, OD FAAO

Michael Samek, OD FAAO

Michael Samek, OD FAAO

He completed his Doctorate of Optometry at the Pacific University College of Optometry and a Masters in Education at Pacific University. During Optometry School, Dr. Samek was selected for an externship in vision performance training at the State University of New York Optometry School. Dr. Samek joined Roosevelt Vision in 1989.

While at the University of Washington, Dr. Samek worked with Dr. Davida Teller, researching the development of vision in infants and also methods to test vision in this population. He helped establish the pediatric clinic at the Pacific University College of Optometry and the school’s Portland Optometric Center. Dr. Samek has been on staff at Children’s Hospital (Seattle) and adjunct faculty for the Pacific University College of Optometry.

Dr. Samek is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and also maintains membership in the College of Vision Development, the American Optometric Association, and Optometric Physicians of Washington. He has completed advanced training in the medical treatment of eye diseases. Dr. Samek’s special clinical interest is in the area of myopia management in children.

When not in the clinic, Dr. Samek enjoys spending time with his wife, four adult children and five grandchildren. His free time activities include photography, hiking, travel, and the study of scripture.

"Vision leads our ability to live and enjoy rewarding productive lives. Everyday, I have the privilege to evaluate, improve and enhance the visual process of each person I meet."

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